Self-Serving Post: The [Legal] Artist Made The ABA Journal's Top 100 Blog List For 2015
/I don't like to brag.
Actually, that's not true. I enjoy bragging quite a bit, but I don't like doing it unsolicited. I want you to applaud the amazing thing I did of your own accord before I launch into a clearly rehearsed speech about it. Nevertheless, there are times when tooting my own horn is something I feel compelled to do (like the awesome pregnancy announcement poster I made), and I think this qualifies: every year the ABA Journal picks its top 100 legal blogs for its Blawg 100 directory. This year, The [Legal] Artist made the cut.
It's gratifying to know that there are people outside of my circle of family and friends who read and enjoy this blog. I don't know what the future holds for The [Legal] Artist, but I know the last three years have been extraordinary and I wouldn't trade that experience for anything. If you're from the ABA Journal, thank you for putting my blog on your list. It looks like that bribe cleared after all. If you don't work for the ABA Journal but nominated this blog for the list, email me and I'll send you a $5 Starbucks gift card (not redeemable until August 2077).
In other news, my latest Cinema Law column went live at MovieMaker Magazine and I implore you to check it out. This month's post deals with the rights (or lack thereof) of documentary subjects when the documentary falls apart. The article focuses largely on the importance of getting everything in writing and the leveraging of publicity rights. If you're a doc filmmaker, this is a must-read.